Your 2016 Guide to Events in London in February

London is one of those places where there is always something going on the entire year. Here, we have named just a few show events which are slated to take place in London this year.

Chinese New Year

London is one of those cities that just know how to celebrate all occasions even if it’s Chinese New Year. On February 8th you can expect to experience a colourful parade which is proof of London’s multicultural nature. There is also going to be loads of free entertainment across central London and especially at the famous Trafalgar Square.

Pancake Day

Pancake Day falls on the 9th of February and is a British tradition which is celebrated by Pancake Day Races that take place on the same day. What makes things interesting is that members of the press, Lords and MPs take part in a pancake tossing race during the event. The race is held at Victoria Tower Gardens and is an interesting sight, especially for tourists.

ValentinesSix Nations Rugby

When it comes to show events, for rugby fans the sports bars of London turn into hallowed ground where they get to cheer on their favourite rugby teams and enjoy the game with other rugby fans. If you’re in the area between 6th February and 21st March 2016, then you should definitely pop in to one of the many sports bars that are sprawled all across the city.

Valentine’s Day

Since February is right around the corner, let’s talk about love with Valentine’s Day. There is a good reason why London is considered to be one of the most romantic countries in the world. You can always gaze at the serene beauty of the city from one of the many rooftop bars and restaurants, or enjoy a trip along the River Thames, which just feels even more romantic when done on the 14th of February.