Top 4 Lakes to Visit in Italy

Lake ComoItaly is a land of cultural, historical and scenic marvels. From the historic grounds of Coliseum to the breathtaking wonder that the city of Venice is, Italy is nothing short of beauty or finesse.

Are you planning coach trips to Italy? Well, below is a list of the top 4 lakes that are a MUST visit during your trip:

1.     Lake Como

Coach trips to Italy are incomplete without a trip to the Lake Como. Boasting immaculate, sparkling waters, the lake is the perfect gateway to simply relax, away from the hustles of urban life. You can even rent a ferry and cruise around the lake.

2.     Lake Maggiore

Home to the iconic Stresa Resort, the Lake Maggiore preserves the ancient Italian culture from back when it was discovered in the 1920s. With tropical gardens, panoramic views and a warm, refreshing breeze, this is the perfect place to visit during coach trips to Italy.

3.     Lake Orta

De-stressing is important to preserve one’s sanity. On your coach trips to Italy, don’t forget to add this naturally de-stressing place, Lake Orta. Adjacent to this lake is the famous Orta San Giulio visit where you can bask in the delights of traditional Italian cuisines. The soothing waters of the lake are a treat to the eyes.

4.     Lake Garda

Stretching over thirty long miles of majestic shorelines, Lake Garda is the top-rated tourist destination particularly for those going for coach trips to Italy. Lush green gardens, high-end resorts such as Bardolino, magnificent views from the vertex of the hills and of course, the crystal clear water itself, Lake Garda is spiritually invigorating, and a must place to visit in Italy.

Are you looking for reliable services offering coach trips to Italy? Then, Door2Tour is exactly what you’re looking for. Contact us for pre-booking of the places you want to visit during your coach trips to Italy and enjoy an unforgettable vacation.