F1 Holidays: A Ticket Buying Guide

F1So you want to enjoy some F1 holidays, and head over to the Silverstone circuit to watch the British Grand Prix. You can never enjoy the race to the utmost until you get the best tickets. How can you do this? Read on, and we’ll tell you how.

When should you buy the tickets?

Silverstone does make a small percentage of tickets right after the race takes place. But the general sale happens in October, when all official sellers get active. You should buy at this time too, but get them soon, because they finish off quickly.

Which tickets should you buy?

People often confuse over what tickets to buy, especially if it’s their first time. Tickets can mainly be divided into three categories; the first of these is the cheapest.

General Admission tickets

General Admission Tickets have two main pros: they are the most affordable, and you can easily roam about the circuit. You don’t have access to any grandstand, only the circuit itself, so you can walk along it, and enjoy the race from every angle. If you are an avid fan, you would like this experience because you can get into any of the iconic corners.

We suggest that you should watch the beginning of the race from Becketts or Maggots; also head down to Luffield, if you want to see the longest car views.

Grandstand Tickets

Grandstand tickets are more expensive than the first category, but they provide you with a reserved seat. Plus, you are protected from the rains and winds. Grandstand tickets are further classified into bands; each band is priced depending on how good the view is. The lowest band tickets are more expensive than higher bands.

VIP Tickets

Just as the name implies, these are the most expensive of all. You get to view the rave from cozy marquees, and enjoy lunches and drinks.