Attend the 2016 Tour de France

Tour de FranceIf you live in UK or Europe, then you have the opportunity to witness a variety of exciting sporting events. One of these is none other than the spectacular 2016 Tour de France. It is one of the most prolific bicycle race competitions in the world involving as many as 20 professional teams, each with 9 riders.

The 3-week long event features riders competing in an approximately 3,600 kilometer race in tough terrains and conditions, among which are flat surfaces and medium and high mountain stages. It is a spectacular event where you can catch riders showcasing their fullest potential in an effort to secure the top prize. The Tour de France, by far, is considered to be one of the biggest sporting events to take place on an annual basis, and if you are looking to witness the cycling event of a lifetime, you should definitely not miss it.

History of Tour de France

The origins of Tour de France date back to the early 20th century. It was started in the year 1903 by French journalist and cyclist, Henri Desgrange. Since he was a journalist, he sponsored the race for the purposes of advertising and the event became an instant success. Since that year, the Tour de France event took place every year apart from the years between 1915 and 1918 during the First World War and between 1940 and 1946 during the Second World War.

Routes of the 2016 Tour de France

The 2016 Tour de France, for the very first time in history, will take place in the department of Manche, and will also include a finishing line in Andorra.  However, the main route for the main event was revealed by Christian Prudhomme, the event’s race director, in October last year in Paris. The routes will include Andorra-Arcalis, Mont Ventoux, Finhaut Emosson, and Saint-Gervais-les-Bains.

Be sure to check for further details on how you can see racers competing with one another to make it to the finish line.