André Rieu Concerts: Common Queries

Andre RieuWhat are the dates for the 2018 concert at Maastricht?

The dates for this year are July 6 to 8, July 13 to 15 and July 20 to 22.

What is the starting time for the concert?

The concert is scheduled to take place on the Vrijthof square at 9 pm. The orchestra begins at 8 pm. You can enter from the Statenstraat, Grote Staat or Bredestraat.  The ticket office is situated at Statenstraat, and opens at 5 pm, whereas the gates are opened at 6:30 pm.

What time does the place close down?

The place is shut off for general entry from 5:30 pm to 2 pm. During this period, you can enter only of you have a ticket, a wristband or access pass.

When does the concert end?

The concert is supposed to end at 12:30 pm, but there can be variations.

What about the seating arrangements?

A proper seating arrangement is allocated, and you cannot sit randomly. Anyone who has a ticket is assigned a chair number, and you have to take this seat unless someone mutually agrees to exchange. Once you are at the site, ushers will guide you to your place.

Can wheelchairs be taken on premises?

Wheelchairs are allowed, but once seated, you would have to place them somewhere on the side so that they don’t come in the way.

What if the weather isn’t good?

The concert takes place even if it is raining. But in such a case, you are given rain ponchos. Just to be on the safe side, take your rainwear to the concert.

Door2Tour offers André Rieu 2018 Maastricht tickets at an affordable price. Our tours include accommodation, transportation, some sightseeing (depending on the duration of the trip) and entrance tickets. Visit our website for more information.