Top Green-Fingered Advice on the Chelsea Flower Show

Chelsea Flower ShowIf you’re a first-time goer to the Chelsea Flower Show, chances are you don’t really know what you’re getting into or what to expect. The following are going to be some pointers of things to consider when making the trip to the 2016 Chelsea Flower Show.

Less is More

You’re going to be on your feet most of the time so try to avoid carrying around heavy bags or rucksacks. Don’t forget, you do not need to take your camping gear with you for a flower show.

“These Boots are made for Walkin’”

Yes. Try to wear the most comfy shoes you can find. While you would want to dress up for the Chelsea Flower Show, it would be a good idea to skip the high heels and go for something a bit more practical, so that you can have fun and enjoy the flowers.

Take Notes

It’s always nice to tell your family and friends about the great time that you had at wherever it is you went. But, you can’t really do that when you are unable to remember what it is you saw. Unlike going on a vacation or watching an movie, going to a flower show means feasting your eyes on well…flowers, lots and lots of flowers. So, take along a small notebook with you or just make good use of your smartphone, because you might think that you are going to remember all of the wonderful flowers you saw. Trust me, you won’t!

Check the Forecast

England is famous for its sneaky weather that often creeps up on you when you least expect it. So, wear a hat or take a mac (no, not an Apple Macbook!) with you, especially if rain is in the forecast.

Chelsea Flower Show GardenTake a Break

Taking a much needed break every now and then will be a good idea. Besides, taking short breaks for refreshments during off peak times will mean you can skip the long queue.

Use the Loo

Go to the loo whenever you spot it even if you don’t have to. This is a great idea for those who need to go at odd times.

The flower show is the world’s most prestigious flower show which is held each year from 24th to 28th May. So, make sure to remember these tips when you make the trip to the Chelsea Flower Show 2016.