Top 5 Ideal Destinations For The White Stuff

Northern LightsYou may, like us, be getting a bit fed up of the snow situation but there maybe a few of you out there that love it or have never experienced snow before, such as our friends Down Under or those living in Africa. With this in mind Door2Tour coach trips have put our thinking caps on and have come up with a mini guide of destinations in the world that are perfect for snow! Take a look at this and if there are any we have forgotten about, let us know…

If you’re feeling brave, why not follow in the footsteps of intrepid explorers such as
Captain Scott and take an escorted tour to Antarctica for your next snow-filled adventure? Not only is there stunning scenery and awesome wilderness to admire but you can also get up to all manner of activities whilst staying here such as sledding, snowmobiling and kayaking. The polar conditions are also ideal for superb wildlife spotting so make sure you have a camera at the ready to capture those moments where you see Emperor Penguins, Polar Bears, Albatross and Humpback Whales to mention just a few.

Think it’s fair to say that Austria is a perfect destination to holiday in at any time of
year where you can brush up on your knowledge of Mozart or follow in the footsteps of the infamous Von Trapp Family on a variety of ‘Sound of Music Tours’. At winter, the destination really comes alive as resorts fill with ski enthusiasts of all ages. The area is also perfect for other winter activities such as snowboarding, snowmobiling and winter hiking. Discover your inner inuit and enrol on a course on how to build igloos. Once you have built your igloo, you will get to eat and sleep there too. The long winter evenings are also perfect for a spot of tobogganing and there’s nothing more enjoyable than admiring the winter wonderland from the comfort of a sleigh being pulled by huskies, reindeer or shire horses!

When you think of holidays to Canada, you immediately begin to picture the hustle and bustle of ski resorts but if you look outside the box, you’ll discover so much more to experience here during the winter months.
Feeling energetic? Strap on your ice skates and glide along Canada’s largest ice rink – the Rideau Canal measuring 8 km and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To keep warm during the freezing months of February, check out the Nova Scotia Food & Winter Icewine Festival where you can sample a variety of products from the winemakers to fend off that winter chill. Maybe visit the Bon Soo Winter Carnival, the largest to be found in Northern Ontario where you can enjoy polar bear swimming, music, bum sliding, sculptures with plenty of entertainment for the kids. For something really different, try a caribou drink at the Quebec Winter Carnival – a potent combination of red wine, whisky and maple syrup that will warm you through from your head to your toes!

There are very few destinations in the world where the sun still shines at midnight!
This phenomenon usually occurs around the Solstice (21 June and 21 Dec) and if the sky is clear, the sun will be visible for 24 hours. It’s here where you could possibly see the Northern Lights, best known as the aurora borealis, during the months of October, February and March. If you’re holidaying here between November to March, the sun sits just below the horizon providing a magical blue light and when the sun returns, the snow-covered mountains are illuminated in a tone of pink. Norway offers some amazing winter activities to keep everyone entertained such as Alpine skiing, fishing (including ice fishing during the winter months), sledge rides pulled by reindeer, cultural learning experiences to brush up on your knowledge of the Sami as well as tandem paragliding and cruises to spot the whales.

Skiing is no doubt the first thing that pops into your mind when considering holidays to Switzerland and that’s not surprising considering the awesome Alps but there are many other things you can do if you’re a fan of the white stuff!
Depending on whether you’re looking for adrenalin-fuelled or tame activities, you can choose from toboganning, snowboarding and snow-gliding but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. For those of you who have just started to learn to ski, there are a variety of ski schools dotted about the popular resorts of Zermatt, St Mortiz, Verbier and Davos so you’ll have the chance to hone in your skiing skills before tackling the more challenging runs. Trekkers can embark on spectacular hiking trails taking you through the mountains to lush meadows and beautiful lakes. Mountain bikers can enjoy the scenery on trails taking them through the resort of Verbier. Visitors here can also try their hand at mountaineering, skydiving, rappelling and kayaking so there’s an activity to suit everyone.

Have any of you experienced any of these destinations whilst on holiday? If so, what would you recommend to the first-time visitor?