Spotlight on Just Go! Holidays

To continue with our popular Coach Operators Spotlight, here is the second of many interviews with our featured tour companies who specialise in coach holidays to many destinations across the globe. The questions remain the same for each tour operator and we’ll be putting them on the spot to find out what their favourite song is to listen to on-board, find out why more people should consider holidaying by coach, their favourite coach holiday (if they can remember it) and all the myths attached to the coaching world. This week the spotlight is on Luis Arteaga who is the Chairman and CEO for Just Go! Holidays and this is what he has to say….

1. The Hottest new destinations for 2012 are… Let’s just wait and see. Our Spring brochure is out very shortly so our customers won’t have long to wait to see what’s hot and what’s not in the world!

2. The best/worst things about coach holidays are… Best; In an era of high food and energy prices. An era of online chats and online dating. Coach holidays provide the opportunity to meet real people, socialise with them for five days (or more) and get great-value for money. Worst; When you offer all of the above and people do not appreciate it!

3. People should consider a coach holiday because…For the same reasons as mentioned above as it provides a fabulous opportunity to meet new people as you explore new destinations. Meeting like-minded individuals is key. The simplicity. The hassle-free way of travelling. The lack of queuing and surcharges.

4. The first time I travelled on a coach was…I can’t actually remember. I guess it was one of those great school trips to some place near Madrid, where I grew up.

5. My top tips for making the most out of a coach holiday are…Engage with your fellow travellers, with your driver, with the people in charge of the properties or attractions you visit. Ask questions. Listen. Enjoy. Just Go!

6. My favourite holiday (coach holiday if by coach) ever was…when I went to Italy with my school. I must admit that first glimpse of the Leaning Tower of Pisa will always remain in my mind – beautiful.

7. The perfect song to listen to when on a coach holiday is…. To be honest I am not really the right person to ask about this as I am oblivious to songs – sorry!

8. My suitcase essentials when on holiday are…I always make sure I have a good business book with me. On holiday is the best time to think about the business and what else could be achieved without the day-to-day distractions that occur when in the office.

9. The most incorrect myth about coach holidays is…The biggest myth is that they are purely for grannies. This is definitely not the case and you’ll find out when you book your coach holidays through Just Go! Holidays.

10. What’s different about your company? The passion. The innovation. The people. The youth. The desire to do and create new things. The opportunities for young people to grow and develop.
Have you ever travelled on coach holidays with Just Go! Holidays? If so, where did you go and what did you think? Get in touch as we’d love to hear from you!