Fun Facts about the Chelsea Flower Show

Chelsea Flower ShowThe Chelsea Flower Show 2016 will be held from 24th May till 28th May. Before you go there, you should read these fun facts about the show:

Fun Fact #1
The show was officially called ‘The Great Spring Show’ but the name was changed to ‘The Chelsea Flower Show’.

Fun Fact #2
In 1947, a certain portion of the marquee was reserved for floral arrangement in order to fill out the space that was left by exhibitors for the soldiers that were recovering from the war. It was in the year 1956 that the floral arrangement got its own space, and the area is now known as the Grand Pavilion.

Fun Fact #3
It takes 19 days to setup the Show Gardens, whereas it is dismantled in only 5 days.

Fun Fact #4
In the 2012 show, the visitors drank 1,068 bottles of champagne, 15,887 cups of tea, and ate 8,754 sandwiches.

Fun Fact #5
In the 2014 show, the visitors drank 1,150 glasses of champagne, 6,400 glasses of Pimms, 10,560 cups of hot drinks, and more than 10,000 pieces of fish and chips.

Fun Fact #6
Around 161,000 people visit the show every year.

Fun Fact #7
It takes 25 days to put up the entire show.

Fun Fact #8
Around 150 gnomes were on display in 2013 as they were banned before that.

Fun Fact #9
The Queen has missed only 12 shows during her reign as she is the Patron of the Royal Horticulture Society.

Fun Fact #10
Bonsais were first seen at the first show in 1913.

Fun Fact #11
The longest living garden of the show is the cacti garden by Sherman Hoyt who is an American.

Fun Fact #12
It takes around 800 people about a month to build up the entire exhibition.