Coach Theatre Breaks- Tips To get Cheap Tickets

TheatreThinking of going on coach theatre breaks? If you are, you have come to the right place because this article will discuss the top tips that you need to know to get hold of the theatre tickets at a reasonable price:

Get Them Online

One of the easiest ways to save money on the tickets is to book them online because sometimes you can get up to 60% off on some shows.

Visit the Booth

Sometimes visiting the booth can be quite fruitful because there are last minute cancellations. The management generally wants to get rid of the extra tickets, so they offer them for half price off.

Go For Standby Tickets

You can get the standby tickets which are basically the unsold and returned tickets. If you are very lucky, you may get hold of your favourite show.

Get the Standing Room Ticket

Standing room tickets are sold at half the price and your view of the show is not obstructed.

Go For Day Seats

A lot of people don’t know this, but some of the popular shows have day shows and the ticket prices for them are quiet low.

Look for Promotional Codes

A lot of times you can get great promotional codes. In order to find them, read the art section of the paper and note them down.

Get Bulk Discount

Go in large groups (15 or people) and you will be able to avail the bulk discount.

Get a Theatre Package

Theatre packages are actually very economical because they cover the cost of the ticket, accommodation, travel expense, and sometime meals.

Check Theatres Other Than West End

West End is great but it won’t hurt to explore other options. Some of the places that you can check out include:

  • Almeida Theatre
  • The Bush Theatre
  • The Finborough Theatre
  • The Park Theatre