Coach Theatre Breaks

Matilda the MusicalTheatre was first originated by the Greeks who used this as a way to lay down their city rules and regulations. Initially it only consisted of serious, tragic plays that focused on different areas of study such as philosophy, drama, science etc and especially paid special attention to their Gods. Slowly, however, these plays evolved and soon tragic endings turned into comedy then romance and so on. Even till today, theatre still exists but much different than the ones found before.

Theatre now comprises of mostly musicals and different types of plays used mainly for entertainment. It’s an excellent way to escape the routine of everyday life that most people refer to as Coach Theatre Breaks.

Break Free!

Grab a coach and find your destination with a tour around the city. You can’t miss the opportunity of getting out of your routine and enjoying a little break. Coaches follow a schedule and will drop you at the theatre with the best performances, now the tricky part comes in. You should know your way around theatre, if you go and watch a play not of your interest, it could ruin a good getaway. Below are a few plays you could look into as well.

A little help

  • Phantom of the Opera: A captivating performance about a phantom and his love for a girl named Christine Daae. This is based on a novel written by a French writer, Gaston Leroux.
    Genre: Musical, Romance.
  • Les Miserables: A classic story about a prisoner who breaks parole and is hunted. He eventually finds his way to caring for a factory owner’s daughter only to realise what a bad decision it was. Based on a novel by a French writer and poet Victor Hugo. Genre: Musical.
  • Dreamgirls: A broadway sensation about three girls and their passion to sing. Genre: Musical.