Coach Holidays: Travelling Tips

Coach holidaysAre you planning coach holidays? Indeed, one of the best ways to save money without missing out on any of the fun. In fact, if you’d ask us, we’d tell you that coach tours are more exciting than other options. You get to see you so many picturesque scenes as you travel along to your destination, and you make so many great friends on the way. Plus, you relax and enjoy while the tour operators take care of all arrangements, leaving you with nothing to do. So, coach holidays are definitely worth it – and they offer a good value for your money.

Before you go

Check the expiry date on your passport

Travelling outside the country? Be aware of the visa requirements, and check the expiry date on your passport as well. Your passport should be valid for the next 6 months in order for you to travel.

Print required documentation

When you travel through coaches, you are taken to all points and destinations as per the chosen package. However, you should still have necessary documentation with you. These include receipts issued by your tour operator, detailed itinerary, insurance documents and anything else that seems important. Print two complete sets, and keep one of them in your handbag or backpack and the other in your luggage, so that you at least have a copy, if the other gets lost.

As for your passport, have its copy as well, but to be on the safe side, you should get it scanned, and upload it to OneDrive, Dropbox or any other online storage platform.

Consider buying travel insurance

Travel insurance is not mandatory, but is still highly recommended whether you are traveling within your country or going abroad. These policies provide you coverage for delays, cancellation, medical issues and a number of other incidents.

Pack appropriately

When travelling by coach, you will stay at a number of hotels throughout the trip. This means that you should keep your bags as light as possible so that you can carry them around conveniently. A medium-sized suitcase with wheels is the most appropriate choice. If you have more stuff, you can keep an additional hand luggage or back pack with you.

Please note that bigger pieces of luggage are kept in the hold section, and cannot be accessed during the journey. So, if you need something on board, you should have a small bag with you. Generally, this includes some eatables, bottled water medicines and so on.

During the trip

Find a good place to sit

Coach journeys are long, so try to find a good seat. Generally, the front seats or the centre ones are the best because you get a much better view of the road and scenery. Plus, you get on and off the coach quickly, without having to walk down the long aisle towards the end.

If you want to feel fewer bumps during the journey or suffer from motion sickness, sit somewhere in the centre such that you are between the coach’s wheels.  What if coach journeys make you nervous? Then sit right at the back so that your view is restricted. You can also wear earplugs to block out noises.

Have essential items with you

As already mentioned, you can keep a backpack or small bag with you, containing your documents and essential items. You should have most of the following for a comfortable journey.

  • Bottled water – Hydration is important when you travel for long periods, so keep plenty of water with you. Your coach operator should also have some on board, but it’s a good idea to have your own bottles.
  • Food – Keep some snacks with you that you can, if you feel hungry. Avoid skipping meals because an empty stomach tends to make you sick.
  • Neck Pillow – A neck pillow supports your head, and prevents a neck strain.
  • Mobile phone – You would have kept your phone, even if we had not mentioned it on the list. But, just make sure you have a number of useful apps such as maps, travel guides, and even games to help you pass time. Are you a music fan? Load your phone with some good numbers that you can listen to during the journey.
  • Tablet or E-Reader – If you like reading, this would come in quite handy. Just make sure you charge it to full before the journey begins.
  • Charger – Many coaches have a power point, so it may be good to have a charge on you, especially if the journey is long.
  • Toiletries – Keep some basic toiletries with you like a toothbrush, toothpaste and wet wipes.

Dress comfortably

Coach journeys are long and you may have to sit for several hours, so you should wear lose, comfortable clothes. Dress up in layers, which you can add to or remove from to adjust yourself to the inside temperature. Coaches are air conditioned, so it can get colder than bearable. A zipped shirt is usually a good idea, which you can take off when need be. Also wear socks so that your feet remain warm.

Be considerate

Coach tours are always made in group, and you should be considerate for your fellow passengers. Don’t do anything that would make them feel uncomfortable. For instance, you should not listen to loud music or occupy two seats. If you recline your seat, ensure that the person behind you has enough leg space.

What if you are traveling with kids? Keep them accompanied with something throughout the journey, and make sure they don’t cry or yell at the top of their lungs.

Deal with motion sickness

You can cure your motion sickness in a number of ways, depending on how intense it is. Drink plenty of water, have light meals, take ginger in suitable forms such as raw, candy, cookies or capsules. If your case is severe, it would be better for you talk to you physician, and ask him to prescribe medicines.


We hope our tips help you out. Have fun during your coach holidays!