Coach Holidays in the UK: The Most Popular Cities

Planning a vacation? Where are you off to, and how will you be travelling? Let’s talk about the second question first. There are so many options out there, but keeping costs to a minimum is something that all of us want, right? So putting it this way, which travelling options are the most affordable? Coach and road journeys. The fun, the thrill, the excitement… coach trips sure have a charm of their own. Plus, they are a lot more affordable than other alternatives. Door2Tour offers coach holidays in the UK to several cities, and even across borders to Scotland, Germany, Holland, Ireland and many other spots.

Onto the first question now, where should you ahead off to?  If you want to keep costs down, let’s not go too far, and stay within the country. But where in the country? To any of the places below — they are, by far, the most popular destinations to which Door2Tour offers coach holidays in the UK on a regular basis. Let’s book now!


Bournemouth is all about exotic, pastel coloured huts, golden sands, Victorian parks, cliff lifts, and the world’s most exclusive zip line. What’s unique about it? It is the world’s first pier to shore zip line! That has some adrenaline rushing!  The city has some impressive seaside fountains and 4 Blue Flag Beaches.
Bournemouth is a tad bit warmer than other UK cities; average temperatures in July are around 17 degrees Centigrade.
So in a nutshell, Bournemouth is where you should be if you want to spend classic coach holidays in the UK, right next to the beach.

What you shouldn’t miss
The Fisherman’s Walk cliff lift, which was holds the Guinness Record of the shortest funicular railway in the world. Plan your visit between the months of April and October when this attraction is open to the general public.

The Big Event
Bournemouth Air Festival, has already taken place for this year, but is usually scheduled in August and September.  It’s all about some incredible air displays of Navy ships, fireworks and live music.


This city used to be a fishing village, once upon a time, but quaint shops and bars can now be seen on the streets. The tacky pier and Royal Pavilion are among its biggest attractions. Brighton has a fun-filled night life, featuring live music, comedy acts and theatre performances throughout the year. In May, the biggest arts festival of the country is also held here.

What you shouldn’t miss
British Airways i360, the world’s tallest moving experience in the year, which was launched last year. As you slowly travel up 450 feet in the sky, you see 360 degree views down below. The tickets are priced at £15 for adults and £7.5 for children. If you book online in advance, you can get a discount.

The Big Event
Take out some time, and visit Edinburgh Fringe, which is only a short distance away from Brighton. There you can witness the largest fringe festival in the country that offers theatre, file, art, literature – and there is obviously music. The event begins from May 5, and then continues for a month. So if Brighton is where you are visiting, try to plan your trips in these days.


Cambridge is among the beautiful cites in England with the flowing River Cam, dotted with green fields on both sides. If you visit this place, do walk along the banks of the river, and get engulfed in the beauty of the surroundings.  And oh, don’t forget to try out punting, which is an essential activity here. And when you get tired after all of this, chill out at a restaurant or a bar, where you’ll come across interesting items on the menu, thanks to the student population in the city.

What you shouldn’t miss
The King’s College Chapel, regarded as a Gothic masterpiece, you’ll always remember the stained glass windows and the fantail ceiling.

The Big Event
Cambridge Folk Festival usually scheduled towards the end of July. This event is the biggest folk festival across the globe that features top-notch artists such as Hayseed Dixie and Jake Bugg.  All day passes are available at £167, whereas single day passes range between £27.50 and £70.

Cardiff CastleCardiff

Cardiff is home to the historic Cardiff Castle, which gleams of a shining past.  The Millennium Centre, the Principality Stadium, the National Museum, St Fagan’s Museum, the Welsh Assembly, and the views from the bay – this city has so much to offer. What’s the best part? Most of these attractions are free, so you wouldn’t have to spend too much on your trip, and still have a good amount of fun.

The Big Event
Got a love for food? Do make sure you plan your trip in July so that you don’t miss the yearly Food and Drink Festival that sees chefs and cuisines from all over the world. Generally, the festival is scheduled for a long weekend so that a good number of people can enjoy the music, entertainment, and of course, the yummilicious variety of foods.

What you shouldn’t miss
St Fagan’s National History Museum so that you can take a walk back in time.


Derby provides you with everything that you need for one of the best weekend getaways. Over the past few years, the food scene has significantly improved. Plus, the city does have some history, the Industrial Revolution grew from here, and the first factory in the world was also setup here. The factory is being renovated into the Museum of Waking now.

What you shouldn’t miss
The pubs at Derby are one of a kind.  Whether you choose to go to the The Brunswick, Derventio Brewery or any other place, you’ll find beers have a special taste of their own that you’ll likely not come across elsewhere. This is because they brew their own special beers. Some of them even allow you to drink by the fire and in some cool gardens that are perfect for summer evenings.

The Big Event
Derby is also all about beers, so their most popular event has to be the Winter Beer Festival, which takes place in February.