Christmas Coach Trips: Hit London before the Festivities Kick Off

christmas-market-2Where do you spend your Christmas? If you are a Londoner, you would want to leave the city and head off elsewhere for your Christmas breaks. But surprisingly, we’ll tell you otherwise. London is one of the best places to spend Christmas at. Here is why you should stay.

Because London gets magical – Believe it or not, London gets magical on Christmas day. The entire city is adorned with lights, resulting in a sight so spectacular that you would hardly ever see it in any other UK city. Plus, there is music and carols all around. This, paired with the delicious aroma of food and wine, makes it look as if London has just stepped out of a fairytale.

Because the streets are decorated incredibly well – Londoners decorate the streets in an impressive way. You will see lights and Christmas trees everywhere, but you’ll often also come across these huge blown up balloons that depict interesting graphics.

Because of the Christmas tree at Trafalgar Square – Yes, you would have already seen Christmas trees before, but the one that we are talking about is a massive one, and it is decorated with the prettiest lights ever.

Because shopping can never be more fun – Just like everything else, the malls are decorated quite impressively. As for the offered products, they are some of the best that you would ever find in UK. Buy a little something for your loved ones and even yourself.

Because Christmas markets would remind you of olden days – London’s Christmas markets offer delicious food, and would take you down the memory lane to the days when you were a little kid and classified Christmas as incomplete until you had visited these stalls.

Door2Tour offers Christmas coach trips to London, and several other cities – book a seat now!