Battlefield Tours: What to Expect

PoppiesHave you ever toured the sites that witnessed the two greatest battles on Earth — the World War I and the World War II?  You really should sometime, if you haven’t so far. These tours are so interesting and knowledgeable – you’d definitely have a great time.

While there are several Battlefield WW1 and WW2 tours that you can go onto, we particularly prefer Belgium. The country has many attractions that are deeply rooted in history. Here is what you can expect of your battlefield ww1 and ww2 tours in Belgium.

The National Pride

Belgium is a smaller country in Europe, and is often overshadowed. But despite that, they have survived and are doing remarkably well. So many locals take pride in this fact, and you’ll feel it during your trip to Belgium.

The Centuries Old Historical Connections

Belgium does have many sites that saw blood spill during the First and the Second World Wars. But its history goes back centuries to the Roman Empire and even before.

Flags from all Nations

Visiting graveyards and cemeteries are a key part of any Battlefield WW1 and WW2 tours. And if you do, you’ll seen flags from so many nations; the Americans, the Canadians and so many other countries.

Several Languages

Dutch, German and French are the primary languages in Belgium. But you’ll hear the locals and tourists speaking so many other languages as well.

Unpredictable Weather

Belgium’s weather is fine in summers, the peak seasons for the tourists, but in winters, it can get quite cold. Rain is frequent so make sure you have a raincoat or umbrella with you.

Scenic Landscapes

The weather may not always be nice, but Belgium’s nature has many colours to share. You’ll come across plenty of lush greens and beautiful flowers.