Bali Escorted Tours: Make the most of your trip

Bali SculptureAvailing Bali escorted tours? Beautiful country it is, that is for sure. But how do you ensure that you get the most out of this intriguingly interesting and fun place? Follow our tips and have the trip of a lifetime!

Expect crowds… everywhere, anywhere

Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations, so expect large crowds. And this is so for most of the year, not just one particular time. Ubud and South Bali are among the most visited places, and you just can’t avoid the throngs there. So what do you if you want some seclusion or isolation? Head off to the central mountains or the northern and western side coasts. The crowds would be a bit dispersed here, but present all the same.

Don’t worry about the ‘Bali Belly’

You don’t have to be on a strict diet throughout your trip in Bali, but do eat street food more cautiously. Several restaurants offer good quality food that won’t upset your stomach so should you be fine.

And drink lots and lots of water – Bali is hot.

Dress appropriately

You can’t always roam about in beachwear doing your stay in Bali. Dress modestly and keep your shoulders and knees covered. Restaurants, clubs and bars, especially the ones towards the higher end, often have a dress code. Follow it if you don’t want to face the embarrassment of being denied entry.

Respect religious traditions

Bali is a religious country; respect their traditions. You may come across roads that have been blocked for a religious ceremoy or your driver may stop in the middle of a journey for a blessing. Rather than complaining, accept it as a part of their culture and lifestyle.

Door2Tour offer Bali escorted tours throughout the year. Visit our website for more information.