Australia and New Zealand Escorted Tours: Make the Most of Your Trip

KoalaThinking of going on Australia and New Zealand escorted tours? They’re beautiful countries! And it’s not just the nature, there is plenty to do from the beaches to the huge array of sports and even some shopping. But if you want to increase the fun and joy, here is what you can do to make the most of your trip.

Talk to the people around you!

They are friendly, and you’re going to have some great discussions. So strike up conversations with whoever you meet on the way.  Mingling with the natives and other tourists is one of the most fun parts of travelling; you are all so different, but when you are together, you all have one common interest: to explore, to try something new and to have fun! So do talk to people, and don’t worry, they won’t find it odd. And if someone comes and talks to you, welcome them and chat away!


And the locals as well

The best source of information. Locals can share so many useful things with you and other details that come in quite handy. Where to get the tickets from? Which food to eat? What are the best times to visit a certain place? Where can you shop at affordable rates? So do have conversations with them as well; they are friendly and would help you out in any way that they can.

Just one point to note here: Australian and New Zealanders, the majority of them anyway, tend to make fun of new people, but don’t get pissed off or annoyed; it’s just the local way of welcoming someone; breaks the ice away.

Wear flip flops

Flips flops are a norm here whether you are going to the beaches or elsewhere. But they are usually referred to as thongs on the Australian land and jandals in New Zealand’s markets. So don them on the in both the sun and the rain.  They are quite comfy, so you can easily wear them for most part of the day without your feet getting tired, swollen or anything else.

And by the way, flip flops are acceptable at even nightclubs, at most of them anyway. So don’t pack a lot of shoes with you.

Keep an inflatable pillow with you

Because road journeys can be long, and then these pillows would provide relief to your neck. So do pack them up in your handbag; they don’t take a lot of space, and they come in really handy. What if your budget is limited? Empty your goon bag, and use that as a pillow. Aussies love to recycle, and so can you!

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Protect your camera in a waterproof bag

Like we said, Australia and New Zealand are beautiful countries, and so a camera is definitely a must if you want to capture all the memories you make on your Australia and New Zealand escorted tours. But keep your camera in waterproof bag. And use a somewhat bigger bag so that you can use it as a day pack as well.

So basically along with your camera, your phone, wallet, sunscreen (yes, the sun can be hot in summers), eatables, water bottle and any other items that you might need, would go in the bag.

Travel with your notebook

Using local computers at your place of stay may be expensive, so it is a good idea to keep your tablet or notebook with you. Wi-Fi will be available at most places, and can be used for free if you buy a drink or coffee. Moreover, you wouldn’t really need your laptop; you can leave that a home. Notebooks are more affordable and even if they get damaged, the loss would not be as impactful as in the case of a laptop.

Try out the local delicacies

A trip to Australia is incomplete without goon, and a trip to New Zealand is incomplete without L&P Soda. So try out both of these drinks.  Goon is wine in a bag – the cheapest that you can find – it tastes delicious by the way.  You could even try out Vegemite when in Australia; just don’t spread it out like jam on the bread because the taste is strong, but good all the same! And have it with some cheese for a better flavour. When you are in New Zealand, do try out Hangi as well – it’s a Maori feast which is cooked underground.

And Pavlova is available in both countries; a cake like treat.

Get out of bed when…

The sun hits the horizon – plus, you get to do the maximum amount of things in a day when you get up early. And oh, it’s a good way to get some relief if you are suffering from a hangover. Have a good breakfast and head off to the next destination on your list – you’ll soon forget that you weren’t feeling well early morning.

Have a travel card with you

Or maybe your credit and debit cards if they can work in another country that is. They are going to come in quite handy especially if you have any plans to shop.

Learn surfing

Surfing is one of the most popular sports in the two countries. The best places to surf in New Zealand are Gisborne and Raglan, and in Australia, you can head off to Perth, the northern beaches of Sydney or the Great Ocean Road.

Take risks

And loads of them actually. Trust your new friends, walk on unknown pathways, explore different places and open yourself up. After all, sometimes you find yourself in the most stunning of locations and have the maximum amount of fun when you act on impulsive decisions.

Be prepared

Rains are aplenty in these two island countries. Pack your raincoats, hoodies, trainers, waterproof boots and anything else that you may need.

Door2Tour offers Australia and New Zealand escorted tours round the year. Visit our website for more information.