Andre Rieu Tickets 2016

Andre RieuThe Dutch violinist specialist and genius, Andre Rieu is an internationally acclaimed and visionary musician. Renowned for his work on classical themed jazz and waltzes, he along with his famous Stradivarius violin have set out to create live master pieces throughout their musical tour across the globe.

The grand tour will dot the globe with an array of events that can’t be missed by fans and avid listeners of music — who should ensure reservations beforehand this year in 2016. What will start as a majestic tour of epic proportion from central Europe, will race across the planet — all the way to New Zealand, and will emerge back at the centre of UK’s brimming city of Glasgow by the end of the year.

Fans are advised to hire a coach trip services provider to ensure that they attend all the events, and avoid missing out anything on this prestigious galore of music and melody. Services include 3 to 4 star hotel reservations and patronage for luggage. So stop worrying about waiting and standing in long queue and bothering about crowded parking spaces.

The tour will be hosted along with a 60-piece Orchestra playing side by side and conducted by the maestro himself. With special guest appearance on certain events from famous musical artist along the way, this is going to be a colorful event full of pleasant surprises.

As most attendees tend to pay more than what they bargained for, and fraudulent dealers in the market become rampant as the event draws closer, buying the concert tickets from official event organizers is ideal. Plus if there is any need to resolve any issues regarding the purchase of tickets or upcoming event, visit the helpdesk online.