American Holidays Escorted Tours: Do’s and Dont’s

New York CityPlanning American holidays escorted tours?  As a foreigner, you may not be aware of a few things. So here is a list of some do’s and don’ts for you.

The Do’s

Do visit parks

Tourists head off straight to the cities, but check out the national parks as well if you want to enjoy beautiful sceneries and unique mammalian species.

Do be on time

Americans are punctual. So if you are meeting any of the locals for anything, arrive a few minutes before the scheduled times.

Do leave a tip

Tipping is a common habit in this country, so be sure to leave something behind for the servicemen after you’ve had good food.  The tip amount is between 10% and 20% of your bill. Some restaurants may charge you a gratuity fee when they realize you are a foreigner, but still leave some tip behind. You can ask them to take off the fee though.

The Dont’s

Don’t see too much

Yes, you should visit famous attractions, but definitely not all of them, especially if your trip is a short one. You’ll just tire yourself out.  US is a lot bigger than Europe, so much as you may want to, don’t squeeze in every single thing in just one trip.

So for instance, if this will be your first visit, you can restrict yourself to East Coast destinations like Washington DC and New York City.

Don’t smoke everywhere

You can’t smoke everywhere in the country, and some of the cities have strict measures in this regard. Smoking isn’t permitted in clubs, restaurants, bars, malls and other indoor spaces in San Francisco, NYC, Washington and other cities.

Don’t use slang

Avoid using slang language, and instead, communicate using general vocabulary. If you don’t exercise care, the locals may find it insulting.