Holiday Checklist Part 4

BeachIt’s time for the final part of our Holiday Checklist from Door2Tour and with only 1 week to go before the summer holidays, we’re on hand to help you organise what needs to be done before you head off on your travels…

Don’t get your cards declined!

There’s nothing worse than being overseas and trying to pay for something or being refused cash at the ATM because your credit/debit card has been declined by your bank. Make sure that you inform your bank of your plans to be in a different country for your touring holidays so you avoid the hassle and potential embarrassment of having no money!

Get currency sorted before travel

Don’t get caught out with the poor exchange rates at the airport by ordering your foreign currency well in advance of your travel date. You’re advised to shop around to get the best rates or check out by Martin Lewis to compare. If you are ordering your currency from websites, be aware of possible delivery fees.

Don’t forget to cancel deliveries

No one wants to return home from a relaxing break to find that they cannot get in the front door because someone forgot to cancel the newspaper delivery. To avoid this, make sure you cancel any planned deliveries and this includes milk – who wants to return home to the smell of soured milk!

Who knows you’re away?

To stop the unnecessary worry of what’s happening to your empty home whilst you’re away, why not let someone you trust keep an eye on it for you? This might also be useful should you have pets that need feeding whilst you’re away and you’ve forgotten to put them in a kennels/Cattery. A few little tips to keep your mind at ease so you can enjoy your holiday properly.

Important documents

You never know what might happen when you’re away, you could lose your paperwork or your bags could go missing and your passport too! It might be wise to photocopy all your documents including passport, holiday booking and insurance details and leave these copies with someone you trust just in case the above should happen when you’re away. No one wishes to tempt fate but it’s always best to be prepared don’t you think?

Well, hopefully after all these checklists, you should now be prepared for your summer holidays and things will run smoothly for you. If you know of a tip that we should have mentioned, get in touch and we’ll add it to the list!Hope these top tips have helped in some way as the weeks tick by in the lead-up to the schools closing for Summer. Let us know your top tips too that can be passed onto others!