UK Coach Holidays: Planning the Trip

aldeburghSo you want to tour the whole of the UK? How do you plan your trip?  How do you make sure that you visit all the main attractions? There is a lot involved if you want to have the perfect vacation while keeping your costs to a minimum.  But here is the good thing: if you get on board with Door 2 Tour, we’ll do a lot of it for you. We offer UK coach holidays, and make all the arrangements for you; many a times, meals and sightseeing are also included. All our tours are priced economically and should be within your budget.

That being said, here are some tips that can help you plan your perfect UK trip.

Book UK coach holidays

When adventure is at the top of the list and costs are a concern, you should opt for UK Coach Holidays. Travelling down the windy roads on a coach is filled with fun and excitement, whereas the expenses are lower than other alternative options.  You get to enjoy so many beautiful scenes, and you may even end up becoming good friends with other passengers.

Select your destinations carefully

The biggest mistake that people make when they visit the UK is that they try to load in many cities without really considering the total duration of their trip. Indeed, we do realise you’d be tempted to fit in everything that you can since you don’t always go vacationing. But  this is the wrong way to go. Too many stops will tire you out, and prevent you from having real fun. Instead, only add a few stops and enjoy them to the fullest.

And you know what? Even if you stay for 5 days at the same place, you can still do new things every single day because the UK is packed with too many attractions and has so much to offer.

Don’t over schedule

How many attractions should you visit in a day? Only two; yes, this few. So for instance, if you visit a museum in the morning, you can spend the afternoon at your hotel, and then the evening at some other place. Are we saying this so that you find enough time to relax in between? Well, that is a reason. But more than that, it’s the fact that visiting an attraction takes more time than you expect. If you plan on too many of them in a day, you won’t be able to squeeze in enough time to visit all of them.

And yes, do a have a reserve day in between somewhere that you can use for last minute plans.

Think about your interests

What do you usually like to indulge in? Would you prefer to sun bathe at the sea, hike a mountain or simply shop your heart out? Do you have an interest in fashion, art, industrial revolution, music or even food? Whatever you are passionate about, try to include more of it in your itinerary so that your trip becomes even more fun.

Spice it up with some variety

Too much of anything isn’t good, and the same goes for your UK coach holidays. So make sure that you don’t add the same kind of activities to your trip, and include a variety in the attractions you plan to check out. In the UK, cathedrals, stately homes, prehistoric sites and museums are all fascinating, but if you start visiting too many of them, you’d just get bored and tired.

But what if you want to stick to a theme? Think about it, and you’ll realise that you can still add variety. For instance, if you want to follow Jane Austen’s trials, you may explore Bath, the House Museum, and enjoy traditional treats that she liked. So experience different aspects of your interests, so that you have fun throughout the trip.

Pace spending

Admission charges, entrance fees and meals can increase your travelling expenses especially when you with your family? How can you cut them? Include some free attractions to your plan; in fact, you can alternate between paid and free attractions.

Beauty spots, prehistoric sites and national museums usually don’t charge any kind of entrance fee. At Knole, there is a parking fee, but you can enjoy the deer park for free. Chatsworth Park is also free; you can have a good picnic here, and take some good pictures with the fascinating house in the backdrop.

Is there any way that you can cut down on meals? Indian foods and meals at pubs are available at economic rates. Try Chinese foods as well, and if you are staying at a guesthouse, then they may pack up a lunch for you at economical rates. At times, you can even satiate your appetite by having bread, cheese, honey and cold meats.

Keep a track of sunrise and sunset

If you haven’t lived in the UK or nearby countries, then sunrise and sunset can surprise you. So if the summer season is in full swing, the sun should be up in the sky before 4 am, and there will be daylight even after 9 pm.  In Scotland, timings are even later. Considering the winter season, the sun can set at 3 pm and rise later as well. Some of the attractions may close early if they follow sunrise and sunset. So you’ll have to plan your trip accordingly.

Enjoy your accommodation

Where are you staying? If it is a high-if hotel or a rented room at a historic place, then allot plenty of time to the facilities because of which you chose that particular option. So for instance, if you are choosing a hotel because of its spa or pool, make sure you visit and enjoy them.

Plan dinners

Want to try out a fine dining restaurant? Chances are you’ll have to book in advance, which means you will have to decide where you want to eat beforehand.

Act on our advice, and make UK coach holidays one of the best in your life.