Coach Trips to Paris

Eiffel Tower, ParisParis is one of the most popular cities in the world.  Going by plane or train is expensive, so people often opt for coach trips to Paris, which are a more affordable option. Door2Tour offers a number of these at an affordable rate. When planning out the itineraries, we try to fit in as many popular destinations as we can during the duration. Here are some of our favourite ones.

Musée d’Orsay

Musée d’Orsay is home to the world’s biggest masterpiece collection that includes Degas, Monet, and Manet. Plus, there are two amazing cafés and a restaurant that offers world class delicious menus. Do try out the food there.
And oh, if you want gifts for friends and family back home, visit the bookstore as well.

Musée Rodin

This mansion like museum is one of Paris’s most beautiful sites that houses Rodin sculptures including some of his best such as the Kiss, the Thinker and the Gates of Hell. There are over 8,000 other gouaches and drawings as well that will leave you impressed. And oh, the rose gardens and the fountain make up the perfect backdrop for some great selfies and group photos.

Palais-Royal Gardens

These serene gardens are set away from the hustle and bustle of the main city. The palace dates back to the 17th century when it was a royal residence. Today, the place has designer boutiques, antiquaries and world class perfumers. When you are done roaming around, have lunch or tea at the Grand Vefour restaurant.

Ile Saint-Louis

Ile Saint-Louis is situated behind the Notre Dame gardens. Engulfed in a serenity of its own, you’d enjoy strolling in the courtyards of historic mansions.

So, do you like the sound of Paris? Check out our coach trips to Paris, and book one of the tours before space runs out.