British Grand Prix Packages: Tips and Advice

Lewis HamiltonSo, you are planning to avail British Grand Prix packages. Amazing! How do you maximise the experience? Here is what we advise.

Camp in the grounds

Where should you stay for the nights? In the tents perched up by the grounds, and trust us, you would do it in style. Most of the fans try to reach the site by Wednesday so that they can hook the best spots.  But if you are busy, you can come by Friday.

Woodlands is the official Silverstone campsite, right behind the Club Corner. It is also the most preferable because toilets and shower blocks are nearby, and you get hot water too, for 5 minutes, if you use a ticket.

Plus, Woodlands is just a short walk away from the circuit.

Watch the night show on Thursday

One of the not–to-be missed parts of the Grand Prix event is the live Sky Sports Formula One Show, which is held on the main, right across the international pits. You get free access to the grandstands, which are set up in front of big screens, displaying all the exciting action.

Explore on Friday

The circuit is somewhat quieter on Friday, so reserve the day for exploring. You can try out various Grandstands, and enjoy the full experience. A few of them can be accessed only if you have a ticket, but most of them are free, so you can easily tour around.

And by the way, do visit all iconic corners like Woodcote, Becketts, Luffield, and others.  And, if you go near the main stage, you are likely to spot an F1 driver.

Have some Sunday fun

The race day is the busiest of all. Leave early so that you can grab good places. We suggest you to find an open sky spot so that you don’t miss the Red Arrows.