Harry Potter Day Trips

hogwarts-expressWho doesn’t love Harry Potter Day Trips? If you are a Potterhead, you have come to the right place because the article will talk about Harry Potter’s London, where you will get a chance to learn about the muggle London and unearth the top attractions that are linked to the Harry Potter franchise. This is your chance to grab your floo powder and travel to all these destinations.

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

What better place is there than to have a magical day out at the sets of the Warner Bros. Studio where you can see the sets, props, and the costumes? This is your chance to visit the actual location used in the films like Dumbledore’s office, Hagrid’s hut, and the Great Hall. You will get to see how special features were used to create Dobby.

Reptile House at London Zoo

Remember the scene where Harry talked to a Boa Constrictor in the first book/film? Head to the ZSL London Zoo and see if you can speak Parseltongue or not.

Tower Bridge

In the Order of phoenix, we see how Harry flew over the Tower Bridge, while the deatheaters destroyed the Milennium Bridge. Make sure that you visit these places because Harry was there too.

The Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9¾

You might not have received your Letter of Acceptance but you can still visit the King Cross station. Make sure that you visit Platform 9¾ where there is a Harry Potter shop that resembles Ollivander’s wand shop.

Leadenhall Market

Did you know that Leadenhall Market was used for Diagon Alley? Make sure that you head to the Bull’s Head Passage because that was used as an entrance for the Leaky Cauldron.

In conclusion, these are the places that you need to visit in order to enter the magical world again.