Things to Know About the Theatre Breaks by Coach

TheatreNo trip to London is complete without going on Theatre Breaks by Coach. Here are a few tips that will be useful for you:

Reserve Tickets

Reserve your coach tickets beforehand, because it is hard to get a booking during peak tourist season.

Book In Advance

You need to book in advance if you want to watch a popular show like Les Miserables and Wicked. Make sure that you buy the tickets from a reliable source like the London Theatre Direct. Remember to do your research beforehand. Is the show an adoption of a book or a movie? Is it a revival? The more you know the better it is.

Switch Off the Phone

You are there to have fun, which is the reason why you should get rid of all the distractions and enjoy the show. Plus, it’s very annoying to hear a ringing mobile when you are fully engrossed in a show. Don’t buy the ticket if you don’t want to give it your undivided attention.

Stop taking the Pictures

Keep all the gadgets aside and actually enjoy the show. You might not know this, but it is actually illegal to take pictures of anything on set, be it the show, the costumes, or the script, because everything has a copyright.

Buy Everything Beforehand

Make sure you reach early and get everything beforehand, so that you don’t have to leave the seat during the interval. A lot of times, the queues are long and it takes a while to come back to the seat after the interval. You don’t want to miss the second act, so be prepared.

Give Feedback

You can give feedback after the show because a lot of these shows have social media accounts where you can give them suggestions and constructive feedback.