How to Pack For a Coach Holiday Journey

SuitcaseA lot of people wonder how they should pack for coach holidays. Here are a few tips that will help you out:


Generally, people are allowed to bring one suitcase due to space restrictions and the weight of the bag should not exceed 23 kilograms. You are also allowed to carry hand luggage, but it is important you know that the space inside the lockers is small.


One commonly asked question is about what kind of clothes should one carry. The answer is simple, and it is that it totally depends on the kind of places that you would be visiting. It is recommended that you check your destination and the expected temperature and weather there, and then pack accordingly. It would be best if you pack light items so that it is easy for you to travel with your bag.


Another commonly asked question is about the laundry. If your trip is for less than 10 days, then you can manage without doing the laundry. We would recommend that you carry a little washing powder pack just in case.


Make sure you label your suitcase and hand carry with your name and address because sometimes luggage gets misplaced.


If you have a physical disability and would like to travel with a wheelchair, then it is best you let the company know, so that they can accommodate you accordingly. Furthermore, it is important that you research the places you will be going to, in order to be sure that they are wheelchair accessible.

Travel Size Products

Since you would have to pack lighter, it is better to carry travel sized packets for shampoos, creams, lotions, and shaving gels. Another important tip is that you should be carrying a hand sanitizer with you because you will be touching a lot of unclean surfaces.


You should carry a travel size umbrella in case it gets too hot or starts to rain.

Pack Carefully

You won’t like losing your valuables to a pickpocket, so make sure you keep your cash and other precious belongings somewhere safe in the luggage.

Split Belongings

If you travelling as a couple, then split your belongings in two suitcases, so that you have clothes and basic stuff, in case one bag gets lost.

These packing tips will come in handy during coach holidays. Good luck!