American Holidays Escorted Tours: What You Should Know before Visiting

The US is known for its constant changes and bold outlook throughout the world. The star studded Hollywood, the sparkling skyscrapers in New York, Florida’s Disneyland, the Statute of Liberty; this list could go on and on. America offers plenty of things to do, which sure makes it a great place to visit. And before you land, here are some things that you should know.

It’s huge

Literally. The US takes up an area of 3.8 million square miles. Believe it or not, but the flight duration from the New York City to Los Angeles and to London are nearly the same? And what are the average durations when you travel by road? A daily two hour trip is completely normal.

And differences exist from region to region

Soft drink, soda or pop? Hero, subway sandwich or hoagie? The terms vary depending on the state; they are 50 in all so the differences might actually astound you. And no, they aren’t just limited to food and drinks. You’ll find different terms for the same thing in every domain including politics and law.

Got a craving for midnight meals?

Restaurants are open in the US 24/7, but you should know where you can find food round the clock. Don’t worry about the menu; it’s not at all limited. Whether you want a burger or a shot of coffee, you can satisfy your craving. But it might be a bit difficult in the rural areas, compared to the cities; still not impossible through.

The festivals are worth attending

Americans have festivals for everything, and they are actually fun. Squeeze in some time for these during your trip.

And they have an unparalleled car culture

Americans love for car is what you’ll probably not find elsewhere.

Door2Tour offers American holiday escorted tours year round. Visit our website for more information.